
These innocents were found in a dumpster outside of “clinic” in Michigan. Many were “partial birth” abortions in which the baby is  murdered just be fore birth. I ask you, Does it get much sicker than that?

Where’s the national outcry?!?
Oh. That’s right. Whole sale slaughter of innocents is legal and as we all know, “legal” = “right and just”.

Pharaoh would be proud

If these were murdered puppies, there would be people picketing and screaming about animal cruelty (illegal and rightly so), the facility would be shut down and Barry would give a 40 minute speech to “condemn the inhumanity of someone who would perpetrate such a violent act” Pharaoh would be proud.

To the Michigan state department’s credit, this has not gone unnoticed. (Which means this is not an unusual occurance.),,7-164–265169–,00.html